
Q: How should I know the product you sell is authentic?

A: We've been selling authentic circle lenses since the beginning of our business and customer safety is always our priority. We made sure all products are imported directly from South Korea and monitored the product and customer reviews accordingly. You may see a lot of positive reviews on Google/Facebook/Instagram/Baidu/Red box that talk about our product and services and that is the reputation our company built 12 years ago.


Q: What are monthly/half-yearly disposable lenses?

A: Monthly/half-yearly disposable lenses mean the lenses have to be replaced after a month or six months of use. The same rule applies to daily, weekly and half-yearly lenses as the disposable period refer to the life span of the lenses after it has been taken out from the sealed bottle. You can keep the lenses unopened until the expiry date stated on the bottle label.


Q: What are your lenses made from? Are they safe to wear?

A: The lenses are made from polymacon/polyhema and water where the percentage of water content is usually 38% or 42%. Yes, circle lenses are generally safe and are approved by the Korean FDA. But precaution is always needed.


Q: What are Silicone Hydrogel lenses?

A: Silicone hydrogel contact lenses are advanced soft lenses that allow more oxygen to pass through the lens to the cornea than regular soft ("hydrogel") contacts. They are healthier than regular soft lenses because they allow up to 6 times more oxygen to pass through them and increased oxygen transmission results in better overall eye health.


Q: What should I do if the circle lenses are stuck in the glass bottle/vials upon receiving them?

A: Don't let disappointment overshadow how exciting it is to receive your lenses! Just follow the 2 simple steps below to remove it safely.
  1. Gently shake the bottle upside down left and right repeatedly until the lenses came off.
  2. If you have tweezers for contact lenses you can also use that to take out the lenses. You can also use a cotton bud by dipping cotton bud directly in the bottle to take the lenses out. Please ensure to remove it very gently and softly.


Q: What is the difference between colored contact lenses' water content?

A: The colored contact lens comes in a different water content between 30%-50% water content. Some people are able to use lenses that have a low water content without having trouble with dryness. In general, the higher the water content allows more oxygen to pass through the eyes for better comfort wearing.